I began my study in massage in 2008, and I fell in love. I fell in love with the art of touch. I fell in love with the human anatomy; how our muscles respond to everything we do, how we hold our emotions in our muscles, how manipulating the tissue can literally fix diseases and release so much more then just tension. I saw and felt my body change. I let go of so many things I had been holding on to. My anxiety decreased. My depression decreased. I felt better; stronger. And more importantly, I felt a power. A healing power that I was able to give. I helped people in real pain. I was able to "fix" their pain. And it was truly amazing. I was actually able to see the results, and I couldn't believe that I had ever lived without massage therapy in my life. I kept thinking, "Why don't more people know about this?" And I knew I was on a mission. A mission to bring the Healing Power of Touch to everyone, because EVERYONE needs it!
Since graduation, I have been able to work on many different bodies, and see so many changes; physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually. I absolutely LOVE what I do. I am married to a wonderful man and we have four beautiful children. I love reading, dating my husband, movies, history, sunflowers, chocolate, the ocean, mountains, sunshine and rain, travelling, gardening, surprises, and supporting women. I have experienced myself a medicated hospital birth, scheduled surgical birth, and two VBAC Hypnobirths, as well as three miscarriages, which means I can empathize and relate to many different types of situations. I look forward to getting to know you and your individual needs and goals. I hope you learn something new, and come experience the Healing Power of Touch.
Latissa Graham, LMT, CHD, NTM, Certified Instructor and Educator
Have successfully run a thriving private practice for 15 years
Attended over 250 births, including medicated/unmedicated, home/hospital/birth center, surgical birth, VBAC
Became a Certified HypnoDoula in HypnoActive Birth (The Curtis Method) in 2015
Developed and certify others in the Healing Power of Touch Massage Method
Created and teach HypnoActive Birth Massage Doula Certification with Lauralyn Curtis Kohl
Personally experienced a medicated birth, surgical birth, and two VBAC Hypnobirths
Work with multiple chiropractors and physical therapists and have much experience and skill in deep tissue, trigger point, injury, and structural massage
Received certification in prenatal, labor, postpartum and infant massage through Nurturing the Mother by Claire Marie Miller in June of 2013
Became a Certified Instructor in the Nurturing the Mother technique in 2015
Received the “Healing Hands” award from Hypnobirthing Utah Community Awards
Voted “Best Prenatal Massage Therapist” Empowering Fearless Birth “Best of Awards” of 2020
Serve on the Utah Doula Association Board and frequently attend events and conferences
Graduated with honors from the Utah College of Massage Therapy in October of 2009